song of the day: decode - paramore.
its been a while,eh? :)
alooooooooooot has happened since i last wrote!
me and nick,are no more. :P he has a girlfriend who he loves,which makes me happy. me and him are as close as ever. best friends. i still think about when we were together,and i get happy,but i get sad too. i mean,i really fell hard for him. i dont still like him,no. but he was one of the best boyfriends-type-thing that ive ever had... but its over,and im happy. we're best friends now,which is more important. :)
AND! brandon asked me to semi last month.. :D it was fucking fantastic! i dont think my heart as ever beated so fast. it speeds up whenever im around him,it speeds up when he smiles,when he looks at me. it speeds up even when i think about him.. like now. its going like 7832709436 miles an hour.. no doubt. hes just so ugh. :)
but anyway,semi was awesome. :) when he asked me,it was SO cute. :) so we were at lunch and he was talking to my friends emily and josh,down the table from where i was. and i heard the,they were like ''go ask her,gogogogogoooo!" so,naturally,i was curious. so when i saw him walking over to me i turned my head,pretending to talk to whoever i was with. then he comes over and taps me on the shoulder.so i turned around. and hes like
"are you going to semi?"
me: "yup,why?"
brnadon: "well..wanna go with me? (insert blushing cutie here)"
me: "(stunned...i just nod. alot. and smile. alot. and blush. alot.)"
and he walked away. and it was amazing. and emily,josh,chels,and my other friend danielle basically attacked me with "AWWW!" and "OMG THAT WAS SO CUTE ARE YOU EXSCITED" and it was perfect. xD so the next night was semi. and i got there,and not long after brandon got there. and just.. as soon as i saw him a smile just erupted on my face. i couldnt help it. immidiate reaction,i guess.
but i had so much fun.. it was amazing. for every slow song that played,he held me so tight,i almost couldnt breathe.. but that could've been just me. who knows?
in any case,we've gotten pretty close. we flirt alot now,but its pretty subtle.
anyway enough about brandon. ive rambled enough. :)
theres been a few ups and downs with my friends,but we're all good. everyone loves everyone.. and i love danielles boyfriend kurt. cause hes a ginger. and hes so sweet. :) she said i could marry him. but i just wanna bang him. its all good though. :D aahhaa. im a loser. :)
so thats basically it..youre all up to date. :) for now anyway.
you know you love me!
VG. <3