soooo i wrote a new poem/song/thingymajiggy. i wrote it for...well. theyll know who they are :)
[i][b]nobody gets me
the way that you do.
if ever tehre's a problem,
you're the one i go to.
we talk about everything,
there's laughs and theres tears.
as long as your by my side,
there are no fears.
we never get bored,
we're always so sure,
we would dance around
as the rain would pour.
because its always friends like you,
that know the real me.
and i'll forever know,
how close we'll be.[/b][/i]
so there it is. its kinda rocky and needs editing,but yeah. comments?

me and emily hung out tonight and almost got attacked by a moose. please dont ask questions. :P some things are better off unknown. and also, in other news, im wondering if me and nick will ever end up together. its a possibilty,but its a difficult sitatuin. he's younger and a little shorter and none of my friends really like him. i think its because they dont really know him like i do. and the brandon situation aswell. he's friends with basically all of my friends,and he's taller but still younger. chelsea and emily haven't been able to talk to him yet,but hopefully i'll know something soon.
ive always wondered if theres REALLY someone out there for everybody. sure,people get married and stuff,but just because you have alot in common and you feel comfortable with this person and they make you feel good,doesnt mean you're in love. i don't believe in love anymore,since ive gotten my heart stomped on so many times. people believe in soul mates, but is there really such thing? i just feel so awkward when im around my friends and their boyfriends/girlfriends. i feel left out that i dont have anybody. it's upsetting and quite annoying at times.
sorry for the ranting...again. :/
[b]ViDE0GiRl[/b] ♥
hey .
vg, you're never truly left out. You may feel it because me and chels both have boyfriends, but your still my best friend, you're always going to be around, with your wild boner disease , and we'll be infected together.
but dont worry, you'll never be left out. maybe in your mind, because of the situation your in and i can understand the awkwardness but remember.
me and chels love you, and we wouldn't ever forget about you.
feel better big sis.
Bing.. i'm sorry you feel left out :(
With the Brandon/Nick situation you just need to give it time, if the time seems to extend forever then you'll need to make a choice.. judge by who they are, what you can stand, what you like.. weigh pros and cons if you have to, tho that sounds weird.. dont jump to Brandon cuz he's more with our friends its YOUR choice.
Hopes things get better BingBong.
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