Song of the day: Hot N Cold by Katy Perry.
kso. its been a while.
lots of shit going on... lots of BULLshit. lots of GUY bullshit.
so... ive had a crush on this guy i know since grade 6. about three weeks ago,i had the displeasure of being the messanger for his girlfriend,wanting to rbeak up with him. i felt horrible,but it only made me like him more.
now,the newest guy drama. i had a sort of.. year-long fling with this guy named nick last year. i really really liked him,and it was all in secret. we didnt talk in school,but we'd hold hands on the bus and if i was over to his house after school,there was alot of kissing and not alot of talking. but this year,he's changed. he likes this girl named fallon. so does my bestbestbest guy friend josh. so,they both asked her out and she denied them. but then,nick tells me on the bus yesterday that he asked fallon to a movie tonight. aparently,she said yes. i told this information to josh,and he didnt take it so well. he was upset all day,and snapped at anyone who talked to him.
the catch? nick lied.
my other friend brad told me that he didnt ask fallon out for this weekend. the f ucking bastard lied right to me face,but it wouldnt be the first time..
nick asks me on the bus, "whats wrong with josh?"
i said i wasnt going to tell him. so he said "if he doesnt stop being mad at me,im gonna ask him to fight about it on tuesday."
i really dont know what i ever saw in him. he completely distroyed my mood today. josh is like my little brother,and i love him to bits. i dont want him to be hurt because of a stupid asshole who lied.
.. sorry for the rant. i had to get it out somehow.
thanks for listening.
video girl.
I can't even believe Nick did that. He pissed me off so much!! Why did he even do that to josh they were supposed to be friends. oh well, I guess the little asshole has nothing better to do with his life than ruin my childhood friends life. I really hope Josh gets the girl.. He deserves to be happy for once, and it will probably piss off Nick.. which is something I would PAY to see!
Man.. i cant think of a decent reason for Nick to say that.. thats just.. well its overboard forsure.
I felt so bad for Josh, and i still do. I just hope this turns out good for him, he sure deserves to be happy.
And so d'you VG, with all this shit swarming around you you must be bearing some heavy weights. Heavy doubts. Heavy questions. Heavy assumptions. Just the world sat itself on your shoulders for a fucking nap.
I hopeya got a better tomorrow coming.
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